Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Man-Child - yes, another one

WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BOY!!!! We're uber excited to have our new arrival coming the end of Jan/beginning of Feb :) Yes, I know that was pretty fast, but I always wanted my kids close together.  Logan and Baby Bean will be 21 months apart - a good age apart to grow up as buddies! Yay!

Logan is doing great, and just amazes us at how much he has changed this summer.  No longer is he a clueless baby, he is an all-over, non-stop-action, soaking everything in like a sponge, toddler. He's communicating a little with sign and some of his own words, which is so fun for all of us :) We just love him so dang much. Basically, being his mom ROCKS.

As for John and I, we're moving into a townhome soon! Very excited to be acting like adults again, living on our own, supporting each other :) It's been a wonderful summer though, and a great opportunity to get closer to my in-laws and have Logan get to know his grandparents better.

Of course, no blog is complete without pictures, so let me see what snapshots I can find for ya all...Loves!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Cori....Logan is such a little cutie! I thought you were down in Cedar City still, we came up to Logan 3 times this summer and I wish I would have known you were up there so I could stop in and say hello! Congratulations on your next little boy :)
