Logan Jay is such a fun baby! Honestly, the best newborn you could ever ask for. He's so content all the time, and just has the most pleasant look on his face constantly. Something I love are his big dark eyes. This is cheesy, but they remind me of an eclipse: his eye color is a dark dark bluish gray like the night sky, and around his black pupil there is a faint ring of light.
He has flipped our worlds upside down, but we'd never put it back the way it was. We've loved giving him his first baths, cuddling with him in bed in the mornings, laughing at the hilarious faces he makes, and so much more.

I'll admit the first couple weeks were a bigger adjustment than I had been expecting. Plus my hormones from no longer being pregnant were ba-zerk! Poor John, I cried way more - both happy and sad cry - way more in those first two weeks than I ever did while pregnant. Probably more than I've done in our whole marriage! A funny story about that: John and I were singing to Logan, and John was playing on his guitar whatever song came to mind. He started playing a break-up
song. I am not in a break up, break ups in now way apply to my life right now, but I looked up at John, sobbing, and stuttered through my tears, "John, we gotta play a happier song!" He started playing 'You are My Sunshine' and I felt better - until the second verse "Last night as I lay sleeping I dreamt I held you in my arms, when I awoke I was mistaken so I hung my head and cried." We both laughed our heads off as tears streamed down my face! Haha!
But now my hormone levels have normaled out, thank heavens :)
Also, seeing John with Logan just melts my little heart. Today John was reading Logan a story book :) John has been such a big help to me
from the beginning of the pregnancy when I was so sick, to getting me through labor, to burping and helping with Logan so much. He's a phenomenal dad and husband :)
We're loving being parents and feel so grateful for our little
Logan Jay. We are so abundantly blessed!
I love the picture of Logan and John sleeping... such a cute picture! :)
ReplyDeleteThis just makes me so happy! I love that little Logan!