For Halloween we were an Arabian prince and princess with our pet lion. Here's a few pics :
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
My Sunshine

It's been a while since I've updated you on our little sunshine! Though I'm sure all you moms out there disagree, we feel amazed that of all the kids in all the world, we got the best one. :) And he gets more and more fun everyday! He can roll and roll and roll so leaving him in one spot doesn't last long, he loves to be sitting up though still needs a little help, and loves the echoes in the kitchen so whenever we are in there he squeals to kingdom come. LOUD, much to our downstairs neighbors dismay I'm sure ;) His favorite pastimes are blowing raspberries and taking a bath. He splashes non-stop :) He's always smiling, laughing, or peacefully taking in the world around him. He's so curious. Well, if you're like me your probably mostly looking at this post for the adorable pictures, so here ya go!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Logan's Laugh
Logan is really starting to get the hang of this whole laughing thing! He's so dang much fun :) We don't even mind acting like idiots just to try and get a little chuckle or two out of him ;) Here he is!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Don't Blink

The other day I was taking Logan for a walk when a middle aged woman saw my stroller and asked to see him. We talked for a moment about child-rearing, and then she said, "Don't blink." And I realized she was choked up! It really hit me. It's become my new motto - to just soak up every single second of being Logan's mom. Things that are easy to look at as chores, like trying to put him to bed or nursing, I'm realizing are treasured moments that I won't have long. It's our special one-on-one time, and even when I have more babies I won't get to enjoy these moments the same way I can now because then there will be other kids to need my time.
Before becoming Logan's mom I looked at being a mom as mostly just stressful. Though he has taught me how to worry on a whole new level, I also have come to understand what the church leaders mean when they say that no other joy can compare to that brought by parenthood. His smile is so healing to me, I can face the world when he smiles up at me. Logan is the most beautiful soul I can imagine, and I'm honored to have him in our home.
On another note, John is the sweetest dad you've ever dreamed of. He's completely smitten with Logan and teaches me by example every day how to be a good parent. I'm so grateful for him and how he's taking care of Logan and I.
Here's a video of him smiling like crazy. Maybe to anyone else it's just another baby grin, but for me it makes the world go around. Ok...cheesy cheesy's the video:
Monday, May 30, 2011
Life as we now know it

Logan Jay is such a fun baby! Honestly, the best newborn you could ever ask for. He's so content all the time, and just has the most pleasant look on his face constantly. Something I love are his big dark eyes. This is cheesy, but they remind me of an eclipse: his eye color is a dark dark bluish gray like the night sky, and around his black pupil there is a faint ring of light.
He has flipped our worlds upside down, but we'd never put it back the way it was. We've loved giving him his first baths, cuddling with him in bed in the mornings, laughing at the hilarious faces he makes, and so much more.

I'll admit the first couple weeks were a bigger adjustment than I had been expecting. Plus my hormones from no longer being pregnant were ba-zerk! Poor John, I cried way more - both happy and sad cry - way more in those first two weeks than I ever did while pregnant. Probably more than I've done in our whole marriage! A funny story about that: John and I were singing to Logan, and John was playing on his guitar whatever song came to mind. He started playing a break-up
song. I am not in a break up, break ups in now way apply to my life right now, but I looked up at John, sobbing, and stuttered through my tears, "John, we gotta play a happier song!" He started playing 'You are My Sunshine' and I felt better - until the second verse "Last night as I lay sleeping I dreamt I held you in my arms, when I awoke I was mistaken so I hung my head and cried." We both laughed our heads off as tears streamed down my face! Haha!
But now my hormone levels have normaled out, thank heavens :)
Also, seeing John with Logan just melts my little heart. Today John was reading Logan a story book :) John has been such a big help to me
from the beginning of the pregnancy when I was so sick, to getting me through labor, to burping and helping with Logan so much. He's a phenomenal dad and husband :)
We're loving being parents and feel so grateful for our little
Logan Jay. We are so abundantly blessed!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Logan's Birth Story
Here is Logan's birth story! I typed it up to him earlier, and so rather than re-writing it to the masses, you're getting the cut-and-paste version to him. :) Giving birth was such a positive experience, and I love how both the highs and lows have led us to the incredible gift of being parents. Here's our story!
May 12, 2011 at 8:44 p.m. our lives changed forever! You were 8 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long, and came to us after 41 weeks and 1 day of pregnancy. Dad and I have completely fallen in love with you and can't begin to explain our gratitude for having you in our lives.
At one in the morning we came in to the hospital to be induced. The pill did it's job perfectly, and mild contractions started. At 7:30 a.m. my midwife Laurie Hansen came in and broke my waters. Boy, did the contractions get going then! After an hour and a half of positively horrific contractions at 9:00 the anesthesiologist came to give me my epidural - hurrah! I had no clue the epidural would work that well. Throughout the day as I waited to dilate completely, I was even able to sleep through contractions!
At 6:30 p.m. I was dilated to a 10 so it was time to start pushin'! Laurie decided to have my epidural cut way back so that I could feel when to push and how hard. I'm glad she did that, 'cause otherwise I would have had to have a C section. I could move my own legs and do positions, like a squat bar, that you generally never do with an epidural.
You, Logan, were really under stress during the pushing part. Not only were you posterior but also whenever I'd have a contraction your heart rate would drop down. We found out soon why.
Throughout this whole time your dad was being absolutely heroic. He was right there by my side every second, counting for me through contractions. Sounds little, but I couldn't have done it without him. There were so many ways the whole time that he made a world of difference where no one else could have.
Anyways, so at this point I hadn't progressed at all, so Laurie called in Dr. Newman to try using 'the vacuum' on your head. If the vacuum pops off twice you automatically get taken in for a C section. I watched it pop off once. So they gave me an episiotomy and in no time at all you were crowning! A few more hard pushes and suddenly - out popped your head!Yay!
Turns out one of the reasons you were under stress was because the cord was around your neck really tight. Your face was all white. And your head was huge! When your head came out Laurie said, "You're gonna have a baby!" and Dr. Newman said, "You're not having a baby, you're having a toddler!"
Then they cut the your off your neck, I pushed, and the most angelic, sweet, loved baby in the world was born! You were delivered to my chest for a few seconds before being whisked off for help. Because we had decided to be surprised on your gender, we now found out you are a boy! We named you Logan Jay Beenfield. Logan was my home growing up and the temple we were married in. And Jay is Grandpa Beenfield's middle name, and your dad's nick name. So you are named after two of the best men I know.
When you were delivered to my chest the fist thing I said was, "I just had a baby!!" Ha ha- no kidding! We've been preparing for this for 9 months, yet it was never quite real until you were actually here.
It was very scary thought because when you were born you weren't crying and had no color, and you weren't moving at all. In the room was an area they could meet your immediate needs, so first you were taken there. Everyone jumped into action, doing what needed to be done to help you. Because so many people were around I couldn't see you. I think I was just stunned, and because I couldn't see you the scariness of the situation didn't really hit me. Dad could see you though, and it really shook him up. He watched as they tried pumping air into you, and saw them pick your little arms up and see them fall to the table. You looked lifeless. It was one of the few times I've seen your dad cry.
Since the cord had been around your neck and they had to cut it off before the cord blood pumped into you, you were low on blood volume. Which meant your little heart had to work extra hard, and you had a slow capillary refill.
Also, since you were overdue you got meconium in your lungs and stomach, so that played a roll in your health. It caused some respiratory problems for you.
They took you to the nursery, and Dad stayed with you the whole time. Back in the delivery room I made a dumb mistake. I knew my episiotomy needed to be stitched up and I didn't want to feel that, so I asked for my epidural back. After I got it I was told that I couldn't see you in the nursery until the epidural wore off and they could transport me there safely. So from 8:44 to about 11:00 I just sat and waited to be allowed to see my precious baby. Dad took pictures that he sent back with Grandma Judd for me to see. So my first good look at you was on a digital camera. When I saw you I gushed, "He's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen!"
At 11:00ish my nurse got me a wheelchair and finally took me to see you!! Yay!!! You were so alert, wide-eyed and the most angelic thing I'd ever laid eyes on. And just like that I feel in love, and life as we know it changed forever for Dad and I. And as great as life was before we'd never go back. We love you so much Logan.
At one in the morning we came in to the hospital to be induced. The pill did it's job perfectly, and mild contractions started. At 7:30 a.m. my midwife Laurie Hansen came in and broke my waters. Boy, did the contractions get going then! After an hour and a half of positively horrific contractions at 9:00 the anesthesiologist came to give me my epidural - hurrah! I had no clue the epidural would work that well. Throughout the day as I waited to dilate completely, I was even able to sleep through contractions!
At 6:30 p.m. I was dilated to a 10 so it was time to start pushin'! Laurie decided to have my epidural cut way back so that I could feel when to push and how hard. I'm glad she did that, 'cause otherwise I would have had to have a C section. I could move my own legs and do positions, like a squat bar, that you generally never do with an epidural.
You, Logan, were really under stress during the pushing part. Not only were you posterior but also whenever I'd have a contraction your heart rate would drop down. We found out soon why.
Throughout this whole time your dad was being absolutely heroic. He was right there by my side every second, counting for me through contractions. Sounds little, but I couldn't have done it without him. There were so many ways the whole time that he made a world of difference where no one else could have.
Anyways, so at this point I hadn't progressed at all, so Laurie called in Dr. Newman to try using 'the vacuum' on your head. If the vacuum pops off twice you automatically get taken in for a C section. I watched it pop off once. So they gave me an episiotomy and in no time at all you were crowning! A few more hard pushes and suddenly - out popped your head!Yay!
Turns out one of the reasons you were under stress was because the cord was around your neck really tight. Your face was all white. And your head was huge! When your head came out Laurie said, "You're gonna have a baby!" and Dr. Newman said, "You're not having a baby, you're having a toddler!"
Then they cut the your off your neck, I pushed, and the most angelic, sweet, loved baby in the world was born! You were delivered to my chest for a few seconds before being whisked off for help. Because we had decided to be surprised on your gender, we now found out you are a boy! We named you Logan Jay Beenfield. Logan was my home growing up and the temple we were married in. And Jay is Grandpa Beenfield's middle name, and your dad's nick name. So you are named after two of the best men I know.
When you were delivered to my chest the fist thing I said was, "I just had a baby!!" Ha ha- no kidding! We've been preparing for this for 9 months, yet it was never quite real until you were actually here.
It was very scary thought because when you were born you weren't crying and had no color, and you weren't moving at all. In the room was an area they could meet your immediate needs, so first you were taken there. Everyone jumped into action, doing what needed to be done to help you. Because so many people were around I couldn't see you. I think I was just stunned, and because I couldn't see you the scariness of the situation didn't really hit me. Dad could see you though, and it really shook him up. He watched as they tried pumping air into you, and saw them pick your little arms up and see them fall to the table. You looked lifeless. It was one of the few times I've seen your dad cry.
Since the cord had been around your neck and they had to cut it off before the cord blood pumped into you, you were low on blood volume. Which meant your little heart had to work extra hard, and you had a slow capillary refill.
Also, since you were overdue you got meconium in your lungs and stomach, so that played a roll in your health. It caused some respiratory problems for you.
They took you to the nursery, and Dad stayed with you the whole time. Back in the delivery room I made a dumb mistake. I knew my episiotomy needed to be stitched up and I didn't want to feel that, so I asked for my epidural back. After I got it I was told that I couldn't see you in the nursery until the epidural wore off and they could transport me there safely. So from 8:44 to about 11:00 I just sat and waited to be allowed to see my precious baby. Dad took pictures that he sent back with Grandma Judd for me to see. So my first good look at you was on a digital camera. When I saw you I gushed, "He's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen!"
At 11:00ish my nurse got me a wheelchair and finally took me to see you!! Yay!!! You were so alert, wide-eyed and the most angelic thing I'd ever laid eyes on. And just like that I feel in love, and life as we know it changed forever for Dad and I. And as great as life was before we'd never go back. We love you so much Logan.
Saturday, May 21, 2011

The most beautiful, angelic baby ever has entered the world!! Logan Jay Beenfield was born May 12, 2011 at 8:44 p.m. weighing 8 lbs and 4 oz, and 20 inches long! Having a baby has been the biggest adjustment of my whole life, but we are absolutely loving it and loving him to pieces! We couldn't ask for a better baby, he's an absolute dream. John is the sweetest dad you've ever seen, he runs home from work every day to see Logan :)
Logan's birth was pretty eventful, he was under a lot of stress and came out not breathing or moving or anything. He'd gotten meconium in his lungs and stomach, had the cord around his neck, and a had few other problems that stemmed from those, but after one night in the nursery he was able to come stay with us in our hospital room, and now 9 days later is by every definition a perfectly healthy baby :)
We feel so blessed to have this miracle in our home, and have been amazed at the spirit he has brought here. We love him more than we can describe, and feel honored to be the parents of such a perfect spirit.
Plan on more blogs from me, now that I've got such an adorable baby to show off to the world ;) !
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